Selenium is based on automating web applications for testing purposes, but it is certainly not limited to just that. The web-based administration tasks can be automated as well. It automates browsers.
Selenium has the support of some of the leading browser vendors who have adopted it to make Selenium an essential part of their browsers. It is also the core technology in many other browser automation tools, APIs, and frameworks.
A list of the most frequently asked Selenium interview questions, and their answers are given below.
1) What types of tests does Selenium support?
For web-based application testing selenium can be used. The test types that can be supported are:
a) Functional, Learn More about Functional Testing.
b) Regression
In order to validate posts-release, continuous integration automation tools could be used
a) Jenkins
b) Hudson
c) Quick Build
d) CruiseCont
2) How to type text in an input box employing Selenium?
Text is typed in input boxes using sendKeys()
Consider the following example –
WebElement email = driver.findElement(“email”)); – Locates the “email” text using the ID locator
email.sendKeys(“”); – Enters text into the URL placeholder
WebElement password = driver.findElement(“Password”)); – Locates the “password” text using the ID locator
password.sendKeys(“abcdefgh123”); – Enters the password text
3) In Selenium, describe what an assertion is and what kinds there are.
Assertions serve as verification points. The application’s state is confirmed to be as expected. The kinds of assertions are “assert”, “verify” and “waitFor”.
4) How to click on a hyperlink in Selenium?
driver.findElement(By.linkText(“Today’s deals”)).click();
The command finds the element using link text and then clicks on that element, whereafter the user is redirected to the corresponding page.
The above command locates the element based on the substring of the link delivered in the parenthesis and thus partialLinkText() encounters the web element.
5) How can we launch various browsers in Selenium WebDriver?
We have to build an instance of a driver of that certain browser.
WebDriver driver =newFirefoxDriver();
Here, “WebDriver” is an interface, and we are building a reference variable “driver” of type WebDriver, instantiated using the “FireFoxDriver” class.
6) Explain XPath Absolute and XPath attributes.
XPath Absolute:
XPath Absolute allows users to mention the complete XPath location from the root HTML tag to the particular elements.
Syntax: //html/body/tag1[index]/tag2[index]/…/tagN[index]
Example: //html/body/div[2]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/fieldset/form/div[1]/input[1]
XPath Attributes:
XPath Attributes are always advised when you don’t have a suitable id or name attribute for the element you want to find.
Syntax: //htmltag[@attribute1=’value1′ and @attribute2=’value2′]
Example: //input[@id=’passwd’ and @placeholder=’password’]
7) How can we acquire a text of a web element?
Get command is employed to get the inner text of the particular web element. The get command doesn’t need any parameter but returns a string type value. It is also one of the widely used commands for confirming messages, labels, errors, etc., from web pages.
String Text = driver.findElement(“Text”)).getText();
8) What is the main disadvantage of implicit wait?
The main disadvantage of implicit wait is that it delays test performance.
Another disadvantage of implicit wait is: Suppose, you set the waiting limit to 10 seconds, and the elements seem in the DOM in 11 seconds, your tests will be failed because you told it to wait a max of 10 seconds.
9) What are the different types of navigation commands?
The navigation commands are as follows.
The above command requires no parameters and takes the user to the last webpage.
Example: driver.navigate().back();
The above command lets the user navigate to the next web page with regard to the browser’s history.
Example: driver.navigate().forward();
The navigate().refresh() command lets the user refresh the current web page by reloading all the web elements.
Example: driver.navigate().refresh();
The navigate().to() command lets the user launch a new web browser window and navigate to the particular URL.
Example: driver.navigate().to(“”);
10) How can you locate if an element is displayed on the screen?
WebDriver lets users check the visibility of the web elements. These web elements can be drop, checkboxes, buttons, radio buttons, boxes, labels, etc. which are utilized with the subsequent methods.
boolean buttonPresence = driver.findElement(“gbqfba”)).isDisplayed();
boolean buttonSelected = driver.findElement(“gbqfba”)).isSelected();
boolean searchIconEnabled = driver.findElement(“gbqfb”)).isEnabled();
Also Read: Testing Mobile Apps: 7 Top Challenges
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