With millions of users working on your platform, there is a high possibility of many problems arising regarding the performance of the system. This is exactly where Performance Testing comes into play. Performance testing is a digital testing technique that helps you understand how the application or software will work under different situations and workload. It tells you about the responsiveness and stability aspects of the software. Furthermore, it helps you investigate, validate or measure the scalability, reliability and resource usage as well, making sure that the product is of the highest quality.
Performance testing is advised for all products, be it a software, application or even machinery. Earlier, proper functioning of the product was the only criteria for passing the performance testing. The digital world of the 21st century has changed everything and now, performance testing is even more extensive. Today’s Performance Testing practices can help you build the best quality product with performance standards of highest order in implementation, design and architecture of an application. It not only checks the proper functioning of the product but also assesses its performance under different scenarios. In this article, we talk about the important aspects where you can help yourself by running a performance test on your product.
Load your pages faster
In this fast-paced digital world, where you get everything on the internet at a click, it is imperative that your product is fast. The response time of your software or application is crucial to its performance and user satisfaction as well. If the user experiences a technical glitch resulting in slow loading of any of the pages, it can get stressful for the user resulting in loss of trust in you. Naturally, you will not make money if you are losing on your users. Therefore, it is important that your product undergo a thorough performance test to help you gain the best results.
Save your costing on remediation
It is important to understand that the earlier you do a performance testing, the better it is. If you run a performance test long after your software has been in use, then you may have to make many changes, resulting in more expenditure. It is advisable that you use the different performance tests for your product right at its inception. This will help you launch the best possible product in the market. Thereafter, only the follow up tests are necessary to keep the product’s performance to the highest quality.
Fine-tune your product
As the time passes by and your application witnesses more users, it is important that you continue with performance testing from time to time. This is will help you understand how your product is coping with the load and different scenarios like multiple hardware, use of the app for long hours, volume of users and so on. It is important to perform scalability tests, as it will help you understand how many more users can work on your application from different parts of the world, simultaneously. This may require one or two more CPUs in your main database server or other such tweaks in your system to solve the issue. It helps you cope with the new demands your product poses as time goes by. This is where occasional performance tests help you fine-tune your product over a long period.
Make credible claims
All the companies make claims about their products before the release to attract the maximum possible eyeballs. Unfortunately, in most cases, half the claims are false and this results in people losing their trust in you. If you run your product through a comprehensive performance testing routine, you will understand how your application works, its strengths and weaknesses. You can not only improve on the weaknesses but also make credible claims regarding your product to the public. When the user gets what you claim, the trust factor builds in and helps you garner more users over time.
Build a strong reputation
With credibility comes reputation. Once the market gets to know about you and your products’ credibility, your reputation reaches a new high. Performance testing helps your product reach its targeted audience with the best quality, giving them an incredible experience. This will help you connect a strong relationship with the user, making them believe in your company and your products. If you want to grow your business and get positive response for all your products, it is important to work on your reputation and launching top quality products is the best way to achieve it.
Why choose Testunity for performance testing?
At Testunity, we understand the value of incredible performance of an application or a software in today’s time. Most applications today are facing problems regarding their performance due to the sudden heavy user flow or the endurance issues. We ensure that your product experiences none of those problems by running multiple performance tests to make sure that it works under all conditions.
Our team of 1500+ active testers across the world makes sure you can test your product through different tests. Your product sees the public light only after it undergoes different tests like load test, stress test, endurance test, spike test, scalability test and volume test, making sure that all the possible scenarios are played out before your application. Performance testing must be an important criterion for any product of yours before you launch it to the outside world and we being one of the leading companies in the world of testing will ensure your product reaches the heights you desire it to be.

TestUnity is a leading software testing company dedicated to delivering exceptional quality assurance services to businesses worldwide. With a focus on innovation and excellence, we specialize in functional, automation, performance, and cybersecurity testing. Our expertise spans across industries, ensuring your applications are secure, reliable, and user-friendly. At TestUnity, we leverage the latest tools and methodologies, including AI-driven testing and accessibility compliance, to help you achieve seamless software delivery. Partner with us to stay ahead in the dynamic world of technology with tailored QA solutions.
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